Degrau Cultural

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Offer Description

Degrau Cultural is a company with over 30 years in public tenders segment, approving thousands of candidates, including first places, and bringing quality education in a timely manner to carry out the tests and with the highest rate of approvals in public tenders. The Virtual Drive appears to bring all the experience gained over the years to reach the candidates, wherever they are. The possibility of carrying out the studies at home in portable devices , the commute to work or college, to reconcile the planning of studies to routine student, bringing knowledge and also the dream of winning a place in the public career. For the realization of this dream, you have the support of an experienced and renowned teaching staff.

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CityAdsНовая цель--Paid order
geo:Brazil, level:0, payout:14.00%
2019-05-30 00:45:17
CityAdsУдаление целиPaid order
geo:Brazil, level:0, payout:21.00%
--2019-05-30 00:45:17


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